Alarming biodiversity loss can be regenerated with biocultural wisdom
Africa’s rich biodiversity is under threat. The continent faces an unprecedented loss of species, a crisis fueled by human activities. Yet, hope emerges. The African Biodiversity Network (ABN) champions biocultural wisdom as a path to regeneration. By reviving traditional knowledge, communities can become stewards of their environment, fostering a sustainable future. Dr. Venter Mwongera, Communications lead at the ABN reminds.
The African continent has a richness of life, a diversity woven from countless species that have thrived in complex ecosystems for millennia. But a recent report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) paints a worrying picture. We’re facing an unprecedented decline in biodiversity, with a million animal and plant species at risk of extinction – the sixth mass extinction event in Earth’s history. Unlike previous events caused by natural phenomena, this one is driven by human activity, with unsustainable land use, water and energy exploitation, and climate change being the primary culprits.
The African Biodiversity Network (ABN) offers a counterpoint to this narrative of decline. Its philosophy centres on the concept of biocultural diversity – the intricate link between biological and cultural richness. The ABN’s practices are founded on reviving traditional knowledge and practices, communities’ fostering a deep sense of connection to nature further leading to more sustainable and resilient ecosystems.
Culture, as ABN defines it, is the essence of a people. It’s the language they speak, the stories they tell, the way they govern themselves, and their deep respect for the natural world. This respect is woven into every aspect of life, from agricultural practices passed down through generations to the songs sung in praise of specific indigenous and cultural practices. Elders are the custodians of this rich wisdom, holding the key to understanding how communities thrived for generations before colonialism. They possess a deep ecological knowledge that informs everything from sustainable hunting practices to the protection of sacred groves.
The legacy of colonialism has undermined this wisdom
Misguided projects promoting unsuitable crops and livestock have eroded trust in traditional practices. Elders, lacking formal education in the Western sense, are sometimes dismissed as superstitious, further marginalising their invaluable knowledge. This marginalisation weakens the social fabric of communities and contributes to the environmental crisis. Here’s where the ABN steps in. To work with communities to organise dialogues, a space for reflection, discussion, and the rebuilding of confidence. Through these dialogues, communities rediscover the answers they hold within their own heritage. Elders share their knowledge of medicinal plants, sustainable harvesting techniques, and the complex web of relationships between species. Younger generations learn from this wisdom, and communities learn from each other through inter-community exchanges.
This revitalised knowledge isn’t just passed down verbally. Eco-cultural maps and seasonal calendars are created, providing a visual representation of the past – where sacred sites lie and how land was traditionally managed. They depict the present – areas threatened by development or pollution. Most importantly, they envision a future with full ecological regeneration. These maps become powerful tools for advocacy, helping communities claim recognition for their sacred natural sites and customary governance practices that have safeguarded the environment for generations.
The ABN’s approach is about far more than just protecting species. It’s about empowering communities, fostering cultural pride, and ensuring a healthy planet for all living things. By reconnecting with their biocultural heritage, African communities can become stewards of their environment, leading the way towards a more sustainable future. This future is not just about preserving the natural world for its own sake, but about recognising its profound interconnectedness with human cultures and traditions. It’s a future where communities can thrive alongside the ecosystems they depend on.
Additional reading resource:
species globally: Assessment