ABN Secretariat updates

New Team Member:
We’re delighted to welcome Ms. Agatha Yatich to the ABN Secretariat as our new Finance Assistant! Starting July 1st, Agatha brings a wealth of financial expertise to support the network and partnering communities. She’s eager to learn from ABN and you can reach her directly at agatha@africanbiodiversity.org

Climate Champion:
Congratulations to Dr. Venter Mwongera, ABN’s Communications Coordinator! African Publishers Ink honoured Dr. Mwongera as a Climate and Sustainability Champion for her unwavering advocacy for sustainable practices and climate action.

Strengthening Sub-Regional Nodes: 
In collaboration with partners, the ABN Secretariat is amplifying its impact through capacity-building initiatives for sub-regional nodes. Partners in Eastern, Southern, Western, and Central-North Africa received training on various topics. Read Jane’s article for more details on these nodal training sessions.